Early-bird advanced tickets for the Bad Ass Weekend III fest are available for $40. See the Facebook event for more information. Get tickets here: http://badassweekend.bigcartel.com/product/bad-ass-weekend-tickets.
Catharsis – Europe 2014 Trailer
Someone made this excellent trailer for our upcoming European dates using Hate5six footage from the 2013 A389 Bash. Sweet!
Small Peadlboard for Upcoming Catharsis Shows
Here’s the pedalboard I’m using for the upcoming Catharsis shows. It’s a Pedaltrain Nano sized IKEA Gorm shelf I made a few days ago. It’s small, lightweight, and minimal. All I need.
signal chain: TC Electronic Polytune Mini Noir -> modded Boss SD-1 -> custom Suhr Riot Reloaded clone, all powered by a Pedaltrain Volto underneath.